Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mike Norton Badger

The Badger was one of my absolute favorite characters when I was a teenager. His original series by creator Mike Baron still has a place in my heart. I didn't think that some of the later series by Baron had the same feel to the stories and were not as enjoyable but when he had Mike Norton on the book, there were definitely no complaints about the art. I love the fact that in this sketch Mike has The Badger holding a Point beer and saying "Woof" both of which were big parts of all the Badger runs. I have heard rumours that Baron is planning on bringing The Badger back again, which I can only hope is true. Here's to hoping that he is able to recapture the fun of the original series as well. Mike Norton can be found on his website or on his blog or he can sometimes be found bouncing around the imagecomics forums despite the fact that he is now exclusive with DC comics.

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