Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Rising Star(fire)

This Starfire sketch is based on the animated series Starfire and was drawn by Canadian superstar in the making Ramon Perez. Ramon has a long running online comic strip called Butternut Squash. BNS is easily my favorite online strip today. He is also a regular contributor to Transmission X, the home to several online strips including Ramon's Kukuburi.
Ramon has a 3 issue run in DC's "JSA Classified" starting this month written by B. Clay Moore (Hawaiian Dick, 76) starring Wildcat. With any luck this run will open people's eyes to the talent that Ramon possesses and leads to more work for DC. In addition to his web strip sites Ramon can also be found on his blog.

1 comment:

Craig Zablo said...

Just discovered your site and spent some time checking things out. Nice job... I'll be back to see what else you've cooked up!