Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Jason Latour

Not so much a sketch, but I haven't had a chance to scan my Jason Latour Deathstroke sketch yet so here is a page from Expatriate. Jason has very quickly become one of my favorite artists, it doesn't hurt that he tells a great story. I think his art just keeps getting better and better. You can find Jason ranting on his blog or bouncing around the Image Comics forums.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Jonboy Myers

All of this art is by Jonboy Myers, all of them with the exception of Raven are from the DC VS card game. Easily some of the favorite things that I own, I am a huge fan of original art (when I can afford it,) and Jon was nice enough to sell me these at different times. Jon is currently working on some interiors and covers for the Wildstorm Ninja Scroll book. Jon can be found in a couple of places. He has a blog "From the Can" and website, he shows off a fair amount of his art both sketches and production pieces on both. Jonboy was actually the very first person to contribute to my Teen Titans sketch book. He did the Raven sketch above in Chicago at Wizard World a couple of years ago, hopefully he will make it back to Chicago again one of these years.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Mike Norton Badger

The Badger was one of my absolute favorite characters when I was a teenager. His original series by creator Mike Baron still has a place in my heart. I didn't think that some of the later series by Baron had the same feel to the stories and were not as enjoyable but when he had Mike Norton on the book, there were definitely no complaints about the art. I love the fact that in this sketch Mike has The Badger holding a Point beer and saying "Woof" both of which were big parts of all the Badger runs. I have heard rumours that Baron is planning on bringing The Badger back again, which I can only hope is true. Here's to hoping that he is able to recapture the fun of the original series as well. Mike Norton can be found on his website or on his blog or he can sometimes be found bouncing around the imagecomics forums despite the fact that he is now exclusive with DC comics.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Tone Rodriguez Frankenstein

This Frankenstein sketch currently resides in my book o' random stuff. It was done by Tone Rodriguez, the former artist of Violent Messiahs. I am not sure if there is anywhere that you can find Tone on the web but I have met him a couple of times at Wizard World in Chicago and he is a very cool guy. I take it back... here is a link to his My Space.

Friday, April 6, 2007


a sketch should just be fun. This sketch is all about the fun. Art Baltazar did this sketch for me at Wizard World Chicago in 2005. It is still one of my favorites, hands down crushing my B. Clay Moore sketch of Beast Boy!!! :)

Mike Cho Original Titans

Here are two of the original Titans, Robin and Kid Flash as sketched by Mike Cho. Mike was gracious enough to do this sketch for me at a small Fan Appreciation convention in Toronto and it has quickly become one of my favorites. If anyone wants more information on Mike, check out his blog. I love that Mike tends to work with single colours like the green used here. Mike is a huge Jack Kirby fan and Kirby's influence can be seen in Mike's fantastic work.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Gotta start somewhere...

so it might as well be with my favorite. Robin has been my favorite character since I was a kid and this is my favorite of all my Robin sketches. It resides in my Titans book. This sketch was done by Chris Giarrusso the creater of G-Man and artists of the Marvel Minis.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


My profile picture isn't actually me... it is my son, Sebastian. I didn't have a pic of me handy and everyone says he looks just like me so let's face it... it is a far better choice, then one of me.

Should be interesting...

Well, my friend Joel and his 4th Worldly blog have inspired me to create my own sketch blog. Currently I have 2 sketch books in the works, a Teen Titans book with approx. 40 sketches in it and an all purpose book with approx. 22 sketches. My plan is to start 2 more books this year. The first is going to be a Hanna-Barbera Cartoon sketch book, I can't wait for a Hong Kong Phooey!!! The second I am still a little torn over but will probably end up going with a Nocturnals/Monsters book, maybe with a little Hellboy thrown in for fun.
Why 2 more you ask... simple. While I do have some repeat artists in my current sketchbooks the plan is to NOT repeat artists in any given book. By adding 2 more books it will help me avoid this temptation.
Thats it for now. Why write more, no one is reading it...