Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Should be interesting...

Well, my friend Joel and his 4th Worldly blog have inspired me to create my own sketch blog. Currently I have 2 sketch books in the works, a Teen Titans book with approx. 40 sketches in it and an all purpose book with approx. 22 sketches. My plan is to start 2 more books this year. The first is going to be a Hanna-Barbera Cartoon sketch book, I can't wait for a Hong Kong Phooey!!! The second I am still a little torn over but will probably end up going with a Nocturnals/Monsters book, maybe with a little Hellboy thrown in for fun.
Why 2 more you ask... simple. While I do have some repeat artists in my current sketchbooks the plan is to NOT repeat artists in any given book. By adding 2 more books it will help me avoid this temptation.
Thats it for now. Why write more, no one is reading it...

1 comment:

Joel said...

Thanks for showing me up and posting more than me already.

Thanks for the link.