Monday, April 23, 2007

Jonboy Myers

All of this art is by Jonboy Myers, all of them with the exception of Raven are from the DC VS card game. Easily some of the favorite things that I own, I am a huge fan of original art (when I can afford it,) and Jon was nice enough to sell me these at different times. Jon is currently working on some interiors and covers for the Wildstorm Ninja Scroll book. Jon can be found in a couple of places. He has a blog "From the Can" and website, he shows off a fair amount of his art both sketches and production pieces on both. Jonboy was actually the very first person to contribute to my Teen Titans sketch book. He did the Raven sketch above in Chicago at Wizard World a couple of years ago, hopefully he will make it back to Chicago again one of these years.

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